Fit Notes

Often patients consult for a sick note when one is not necessary. There are strict guidelines that Doctors have to follow when issuing sick notes.

You DO NOT need to see the Doctor for an illness lasting less than 7 days.

From the 6th of April 2010, medical certification (sick notes) have changed to "fit notes"
The new "fit notes" contain sections to be filled out by the doctor on how people who are on sick leave can return to work earlier
For more information please see

Duration of Illness:Details:
Less Than 3 daysYour employer should not require a sick note
Between 3 and 7 daysYou should hand in a "self certificate" (SC1). You do not need to see the Doctor for this.
More than 7 daysYou will need a new "Med 3" certificate. You must see the Doctor to get one. It is ONLY at 7 days that you need a Doctors note.
I've been ill for more than 7 days but saw a different Doctor (e.g. while away, or in A&E);You should see the Doctor for a new "Med 3" certificate. The Doctor MUST be in receipt of written evidence that you saw another Doctor.
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